Reseller trading services
Statkraft supports power suppliers (resellers) who on-sell to end customers. We risk manage over 20 TWh of reseller volume in Europe. Our products allow you to concentrate on your end customer acquisition while leaving most of the price and volume risk with us.
Our products
Power supply
We offer a wide range of solutions from simple power trades to full merchant risk management of power backed by our long-term PPAs.
Risk mitigation
We can provide you with a daily, half-hourly price curve: you simply inform us through the Statkraft Unity Customer Portal what customers you have won each day, along with your historic data for forecasting and hedging.
Renewable energy certificates
We trade many forms of renewable certificates including ROCs, REGOs and GOOs in structures that manage working capital and share volume risk. These REGOs can be from our own long-term PPAs or from third parties.
Why work with us?

Route to market
We provide your wholesale market access including balancing and shape management.

Virtual PPAs
We offer unique solutions: such as our virtual wind-PPA based on the amount of wind or solar generation in Statkraft’s portfolio, along with the appropriate REGO certificates.

Credit solutions
Credit often holds back suppliers from growing. Statkraft has developed innovative solutions to work with suppliers to manage this problem.