Direct renewable supply
Through our partner Bryt Energy, we supply British businesses with zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity, sourced solely from wind, hydro and solar power.
By sourcing power through Bryt Energy, companies can report the emissions associated with electricity consumption as zero. Different pricing models and flexibility options allow you to master electricity costs while shifting to clean, renewable energy.
"Bryt’s product offering of ‘Natural renewable energy’ was, of course, our first reason toselect working with them. This was soon supported with fantastic rates, which on their own would have been enough of a reason for us to work with Bryt. However, the service has, quite simply, gone above and beyond and frankly puts other suppliers to shame! I felt massively supported throughout the process of switching all our seven contracts to them, and my ongoing requests for information or assistance has been met promptly and with ease. Quite simply, exceptional! Why any business would gain supply elsewhere would baffl e me! Environmentally friendly options shouldn’t be more expensive and should be a better product/service – Bryt deliver this."
Head of Sustainability, Internet Fusion Group
Would you like to switch to a renewable energy supplier or would you like to change your current supplier?
Based on your annual consumption and meter type (all information can be found on your current electricity invoice), you will get quote here: