Greener Grid Parks
As Great Britain generates increasing amounts of electricity from renewable sources, storage and innovative grid management is an essential component of a successful transition to a Net Zero energy system.
We are proud to be actively developing battery energy storage and other technologies which will not only reduce the costs of generating electricity but will also assist to deliver National Grid ESO's target of being able to operate a zero-carbon electricity system by 2025.
About Greener Grid parks
Statkraft’s Greener Grid Parks are vital to the decarbonisation of our energy system. Our Greener Grid Parks are a collection of small buildings, usually located near substations, containing innovative technology designed to increase the amount of renewable energy transmitted through the national grid.
We are changing the energy landscape by providing the flexibility necessary to integrate increasing levels of renewables while maintaining security of supply.
Why do we need Greener Grid Parks?
Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

The role of BESS in the UK’s energy transition
The UK Government has set ambitious goals for transforming our electricity grid, aiming to fully decarbonise the power sector by 2035.
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Our Greener Grid Park projects

Baillie Greener Grid Park
We have identified an opportunity to install a Greener Grid Park at Baillie, west of Thurso.
Visit our dedicated project site

Coylton Greener Grid Park
Located at Coylton in East Ayrshire, the proposed Coylton Greener Grid Park was awarded a contract in November 2022 to provide stability services to National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO).
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East Claydon Greener Grid Park
We have submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Request to Buckinghamshire Council to progress our plans for East Claydon Greener Grid Park.
Visit our dedicated project site

Feckenham Greener Grid Park
We have identified an opportunity to install a Greener Grid Park directly east of the existing National Grid Substation at Feckenham.
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Keith Greener Grid Park- Energy Storage
This project will provide battery storage services at the existing Keith Greener Grid Park.
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Keith Greener Grid Park
Keith Greener Grid Park in Moray, Scotland became operational in 2022. The project is helping the UK move towards its zero carbon emissions targets by increasing the stability of the electricity grid with Synchronous Compensator technology.
Learn more about Keith Greener Grid Park

Lister Drive Greener Grid Park
Lister Drive Greener Grid Park, located near Liverpool, became operational in March 2023 and is helping to increase the amount of renewable energy which can be utilised on the electricity grid.
Learn more about Lister Drive Greener Grid Park

Necton Greener Grid Park
A planning application will be submitted in the Summer of 2023 for Necton Greener Grid Park. If consented and developed, this project will help achieve zero-carbon emissions in Britain by increasing the stability of the electricity grid and the amount of renewable energy being delivered onto the grid network.
visit our dedicated project site

Neilston Greener Grid Park
Neilston Greener Grid Park in Renfrewshire was granted planning consent by the Scottish Government in May 2022. The project was also awarded a contract to provide stability services to National Grid Electricity System Operator and construction is scheduled for late 2023. The project is expected to be operational by mid-2024.
Visit our dedicated project site

Ninfield Greener Grid Park
Located south of the existing Ninfield National Grid Substation, the proposed Greener Grid Park is a vital project that will help the UK achieve its target of zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Visit our dedicated project site

Spennymoor Greener Grid Park
Located in the northeast of England, the proposed Spennymoor Greener Grid Park was awarded a contract in November 2022 to provide stability services to National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO). A planning application was submitted to Durham Council in March 2023.
Visit our dedicated project site

Photo location plan
Swansea Greener Grid Park
In 2021, the Swansea Greener Grid Park proposal received unanimous approval from Swansea Council Planning Committee. We have recently submitted a revised planning application after consultation. The revised proposal will make sure that we deliver a facility that can maximise the benefits to the grid.
Visit our dedicated project site

Swansea Greener Grid Park Extension
We are now proposing an extension to our Greener Grid Park which will use a different technology, Battery Energy Storage Systems, that also work to provide grid stability.
Visit our dedicated project site

Grid Services: Innovative solutions to stabilise our electricity system
Statkraft are market leaders in delivering innovative projects that ensure the reliability of our electricity supply. We explain why grid stability is crucial in the transition to a net zero electrici...
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Hydrogen: A light gas for heavy-duty tasks
Battery power works fine for passenger electric cars, but if trucks, buses and ships are to be electrified, fuel cells and hydrogen are probably a better alternative.
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Renewable: Balancing with batteries
Solar cells generate power when the sun shines, and wind turbines when the wind blows, but not necessarily when the need for energy is greatest. Can batteries store renewable energy "in a can" – for...
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